Saturday, March 28, 2015

How to Take Out Your Electric Pole in 1 Easy Step

Our electric utility pole, slightly broken.
For those of you who gets angry when you get our electric bill and just feel like tearing down that damn electric pole, I can tell you how to do it in one easy step. Yes, this is from personal experience, not mine, but hubby's!
The first thing you have to do is have a guy wire that is in the way when you are backing out of your driveway, or shop drive in this case. Be sure it sticks out far enough that you can catch it with the bumper of your car or race car trailer!
Once you have that guy wire trapped on the bumper, pull forward at a good rate of speed. Just be sure there are not children around to watch as the pole snaps and the electric lines fall to the ground! If you have ever told your wife that she is a bad driver, you probably don't want her around to see this either!
Now that you have snapped the utility pole and the lines have fallen to the ground, you can call your local electric company and they will "unhappily" come out and replace that old pole. It may take them 5 hours before they come to your house and you may freeze your butt off before they get there, but that is a little price to pay to get your electricity back on before you miss your morning coffee.
Oh and I forgot to mention that your neighbors will appreciate it too when their electricity goes off as well. Do you have a neighbor that you don't really like? This will also cause them to go with out electricity through most of the cold night. If you really want to piss them off, be sure and do this during one of the coldest nights of the year!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The First Signs of Spring

My first daffodils for this year.

I think I can safely say that spring is just around the corner. This time last week, we still had some snow on the ground and it was cold and windy. The last couple of days here has been much warmer but still a little rainy.
I want outside the other day to a little cleaning up around the yard and these beauties are what I found! I was so excited to see the bright smiling faces! As I walked around the yard, I found some hyacinth peeking up from the ground as well. They have not begun to bloom yet but shouldn't be too far behind.

Jonquils coming up around a tree.

These little jonquils had begun to come around one of my trees. I had even forgotten that I had planted them here, so that was a pleasant surprise! My tulips should be next but they don't look like they are doing much yet.
I love spring and watching all the re-birth of nature!
You  may also enjoy reading:
Daffodils – Tips for Planting and Care

I also have used the picture above on several products in My Zazzle Store. Click below to check them out!

Daffodil Coffee Mug Basic White Mug


Thursday, March 5, 2015

I Woke Up to Find More Snow

Photo source: sgbrown 

Well, here it is the 5th of March and I woke up this morning to find the ground covered in more snow. Yesterday was freezing rain and sleet and overnight it snowed. Doesn’t Mother Nature know that it is March! Spring is only a couple of weeks away and we are looking forward to daffodils and crocus blooming.

My little friend here decided to peek his head out of the snow and tell me he is ready for some warmer weather as well. He is what I call one of my garden guardians. I have many of these little creatures in my flower beds to give me someone to talk to while I am taking care of my flowers during the warmer months. Yes, I do talk to them, but the conversations are usually a little one sided!

 Photo source:  sgbrown

The birds are mad too! I didn’t get my bird feeder filled up yesterday and now they are having to scurry around on the ground underneath it, looking for fallen sunflower seeds. This male cardinal doesn’t look too pleased and the chickadees are sitting on the feeder, tapping on it to see if they can get any more seeds to fall out. I think that is also how they tell me that the feeder is empty! I will get outside in a few minutes to fill it back up.

 Photo source:  sgbrown

 The squirrels aren't too pleased either. They are having to dig under the snow covered leaves to find those acorns they buried earlier in the year. I am pretty sure I heard this little guy cursing as he was trying to find his breakfast!

Well, here is hoping that this is the last of the snow for this season. I admit I am tired of being cooped up in the house and ready to get back outside and work in the yard. I think I am even looking forward to moving the grass, but don’t tell hubby that!