Tuesday, April 4, 2017

How to Take Pictures of Hummingbirds

Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird
I think most everyone who like to take pictures, wants to get a good picture of a hummingbird. That is not always an easy task! They are fast little birds and don't stay in one place for very long.

I can get pictures of them at the hummingbird feeder, but like most everyone else, we want something that is more natural. I found an easy solution!

I do have a hummingbird feeder hanging from the eve of the house, right outside my dining room window, so I have hummingbirds coming close to the window most of the day. Sometimes they will land in one of the trees close to the house, bit it just isn't close enough or its to high to really get a good picture.

Here is what I did.  I found a tall tree branch that had fallen from one of our trees and I stood it up against the house, close to the feeder and in front of the window. It has several small branches extending from it, so the hummers have lots of places to sit while waiting for the turn at the feeder.

Now, I just wait for the sun to shine on those branches and I break out my camera and snap away!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Nature Abounds

Turkey Tail Bracket Fungus
Nature truly abounds everywhere! While walking through the woods looking for morel mushrooms yesterday, which I did not find, I came across a fallen tree limb with this beautiful bracket fungus growing on it.

This type of bracket fungus is called "turkey tail". It gets it's name from the shape of the fungus as well as the stripes of colors which make it look similar to a turkey's tail. It had just rained earlier that day, so the colors are so rich and vibrant.

I will be going out again today to see what other of nature's beauty I can find!

This shot really made a beautiful rustic picture and can be found on my Pixels.com website as well as  turkey tail bracket fungus art for sale on Fine Art America.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Funny Face Giraffe

Are you taking my picture?

A trip to the Arbuckle Wilderness Park is a great spring, summer or fall treat. There are so many different types of animals there, some that have been rescued from bad situations. This is everything there from lions, tigers, and even giraffe! 

This friendly giraffe had stuck his head inside the car window and we gave him some feed out of a large cup that we had purchased at the entry to the park. I don't remember how much it cost, but I know it was not expensive at all. We bought several cups of it! 

The giraffes are in an enclosure just tall enough to keep them inside, but low enough that they can stretch their long necks over and down to your car. The drive through the park is really a lot of fun.

Arbuckle Wilderness is located near Davis, Oklahoma and is right off of I-35. If you get the chance to stop by, you will have a great time! Be sure and take your camera as there will be lots of opportunities for some cool pictures!

This picture is for sale at my Pixels.com website or for you can find more giraffe art for sale  at Fine Art America.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Purple Bearded Iris

Photo Source: Sheila Brown aka Rockcreek Photography

If you are looking for some beautiful color in your spring flower gardens, this beautiful purple iris is a must! I only wish I knew the name of it!

These iris were already planted here when we moved in and I have no idea of the name of them, but they are stunning when they bloom alone or in a group. They also have a very sweet scent and you can smell them by just walking by.

My iris have not started blooming yet this year, but should be very soon and I can't wait to see and smell these beauties again! If anyone knows the name of this beautiful bearded iris, please let me know as I would love to get more of them!

If you enjoy the picture, it is really beautiful in a matted frame and is for sale at Fine Art America under purple bearded iris art for sale .