I was asked recently how I got so close to the blue jay to take this picture without them flying away. The person asking said they can't even begin to get close the these birds before they see him coming and off they go. I completely understand! I have gone out walking and try to catch a picture of one of them as can't get near close enough.
Well, my answer to him was.... I cheat! I don't really think it's cheating, but I don't go looking for them anymore, I make them come to me. What you don't see in this picture is the table that the dead tree limb is laying on, or the sunflower seeds that are spread out on the table.
When I know I am going to have some time to take pictures, I let my bird feeder to dry and put the bird seeds on the table nearby. Then I found a dead tree branch and laid it across the table, so the table wouldn't be in the picture. Then I went in the house and set my tripod up and just waited a little while.
You do need to be sure that there is no "junk" in the background, the green in the background here is just the grass in my yard. Once you zoom in on the subject, the background will be blurred anyway, but I usually like a "clean" background.
The picture above is available on my website: Pixels.com website as a canvas print, acrylic, or metal print as well as pillows, tote bags, greeting cards and more! You can also visit Fine Art America for more Blue jay photographs for sale!