Canada Goose and Goslings
I was adding some pictures to my Redgage account and came across these pictures. These were taken last summer at Lake Murray State Park near Ardmore, Oklahoma. The lake is about 15 miles from where we live and we go camping there when we get the chance. I wrote an article on Lake Murray if you would like to read it when you get the chance. The title is:
Come Visit Beautiful Lake Murray State Park in Southern Oklahoma.
I always love getting up early when we camp at the lake. I like to go out to our boat this is tied up on shore and sit out there and drink my coffee. I can watch the geese as they fly in for their morning breakfast.
If I am sitting on our boat, I have a hook in the water! I love to fish! Depending on what type of mood I am in as to what type of fishing I will be doing. In the mornings, it is catfishing. I can put a little dough bait on a treble hook, toss it out with a bobber on it and sit back and relax. No luck on this morning though, not even my stinkiest dough bait did any good.
Later that day, hubby and I went for a walk. We love to walk along the shore and she what has washed up. I find some interesting shells or maybe some cool drift wood. On this afternoon, we walked around a point and found a family of
Canada Geese. Apparently mama and papa goose were holding a swimming class for the kids today. They were so cute, I couldn't resist taking several pictures of them.
Of course you notice that mom is in front and dad in behind, or visa versa. They do this for protection for the babies. Large turtles, beavers and large fish may find the little ones as a tasty meal! These goslings are a little bigger than most predators want to try for.
After the swimming lessons, mama goose was bringing them to the shore. She is checking us out to be sure that we are not going to be a threat to her little ones. We backed up a little and she brought them on up on shore and they began preening themselves. Preening adds a oily sheen to their feathers that helps to repel the water.
Now with papa goose out in front, sorry you can't see him, and mama goose bring up the rear, the little family is off. Whey roamed around the shore for a while and then back to their nest for a little mid-day nap. Hubby and I did the same!
Well that's all for today. I am trying to organize my pictures a little better and who knows what I may come across and post! Have a good day to all!
I have several products at My Zazzle store that feature the Canada goose. Pop on over and see what you think!
Beautiful Oklahoma Post Card |
Canada Geese in Flight Coffee Mug |