Thursday, March 29, 2012

Taking a Walk in the Country

Deer in fog.
Source: sgbrown

Walk with Me in the Country

Everyone knows that walking is great exercise. It is good for your heart, lungs, and all of your muscles. But walking in the country is just good for your soul! I love to walk in the country and try to walk at least every other day. I always take my camera with me and try to capture some of the beautiful and unusual things I see. Come with me and let’s take a walk in the country. Read more ...

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Taking a Walk in the Country #2

 How to Attract Birds to Your Backyard

Make Money Writing on HubPages
I am making extra money writing on HubPages. If you enjoy writing, and making money, read the success stories, and find out more information here: HubPages

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

5 Best Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden

If you have enough space to plant a small vegetable garden this spring, not only will you eat better, but, you will also save money on our grocery bill all year. Fresh vegetables not only taste much better but are much healthier for you too. I am going to give you some ideas on which are the easiest vegetables to grow and store, so you can continue to use them all year.  Read more ...

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Tips on How to Grow a Vegetable Garden

All About Okra - Origin, Planting and Cooking

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

All About Okra - Origin, Planting and Cooking

By sgbrown

Okra Pod and Okra Flower

All About Okra

Okra is one of my favorite vegetables to grow. It's super easy to grow, drought tolerant and delicious! We grow okra in our vegetable every year and I use it in all kinds of recipes. One of my favorites is pickled okra.  We add a jalapeno pepper to each jar to give it a little extra flavor. (The link to our recipe is below.) Okra has a long history, possible as far back as the 12th century B.C. Click on the link below to find out more about the okra plant.  I have included information on its origin, as well as how to plant, harvest and cook with okra.  All About Okra -Origin, Planting and Cooking

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  • Jalapeno Pickled Okra Recipe
    Jalapeno pickled okra is one of my family’s favorite snacks! Adding a little jalapeno to this recipe gives it some extra flavor. It’s not hot, just has a little snap. Not only is it tasty, but it is very good for you too. Okra is high in both types of fiber.
  • Quick and Easy Okra Goulash
    Here in the south, we tend to like our macaroni and okra, so I have combined these ingredients with a few others to make a quick and easy, healthy meal!
  • 5 Best Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden
    Fresh vegetables not only taste better but are also much better for you. These are what I consider to be, the 5 best vegetables to plant in your garden to eat healthier and save money on your grocery bill all year round.
  • Best Vegetables for Canning or Freezing and How To
    If you have a vegetable garden, most likely you want to store some of your harvest for use throughout the year. The best way to do that is through canning or freezing them. After 25 years of growing, canning and freezing my vegetables, here is my choice for the best vegetables for canning or freezing and some tips on how to do both.
  • Tips on How to Grow a Vegetable Garden
    Growing a vegetable garden is not as difficult a thing as many people make it out to be. My husband and I have grown a garden every year for the last 25 years. There are three basic things that are needed to grow a successful vegetable garden. 

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Skyler, My Cockatiel Miracle - A Short Story

By sgbrown

I really contemplated on sharing this story as it is quite personal and reveals some very personal things in my life. This is a simple and true story of a time when I was much younger. The events of this story may be simple and silly to some, but the outcome really changed my life at the time. Have you ever had something  small and simple happen to you, but it was really significant enough to changed your life? I guess this is one of those times.  Read more ...

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  • God Sent us "Jake", The Black LabGod sent us Jake, an abused black labrador retriever, that needed to know love and happiness, before God took him back.
  • A Stranger in my Garden!This is a true story that goes back to about four years ago. I think about it every spring and I remember the night we found a stranger in our garden.
  • The American Bison or Buffalo - Facts and True StoryAmerican Bison or Commonly Known as the Buffalo The American Bison is also known as the American Buffalo, which once roamed the plains of North America in huge herds. Lean more about the buffalo and my close encounter while photographing buffalo for a national magazine.

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A Stranger in My Garden!

A Stranger in My Garden!

“Get up! Get up! You have to come see this!” As I am crawling out of bed he tells me that he heard Sadie, our yellow lab, barking at something and went outside to see what it was. As he went to the edge of the porch he could hear the strangest sound. He couldn’t tell what it was, but there was definitely something in the garden.  Read more ...

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The American Bison or Buffalo

The American Bison or Buffalo - Facts and True Story

By - sgbrown
Herd of American Bison or Buffalo
Source: wikimedia

American Bison or Commonly Known as the Buffalo

 The American Bison is also known as the American Buffalo, which once roamed the plains of North America in huge herds. The buffalo were nearly eradicated in the 19th century due to hunting and now are restricted to parks and reserves. There are approximately 500,000 buffalo on privately owned ranches and refuges today. Buffalo can be found here in Oklahoma at the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge in southwestern part of the state.

My Trip to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge

Back many years ago when I was taking a photography class, the instructor, Allen, and I became good friends. He was going to be taking pictures of the Texas Long Horn cattle that were also located at the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge and asked me if I wanted to go along. Of course, I jumped at the chance.  Read more ...

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