Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Labrador Retriever - History, Facts and Information

Source: sgbrown

The Labrador Retriever

Learn more about the Labrador Retriever. Find out where they originated, their description, temperatment and skills. You will understand why the Labrador Retriever has been know as “the most popular dog breed in the world” for many years. Read more ...

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Friday, December 21, 2012

10 Most Aggressive Dog Breeds - Temperament Ratings and Information

This is one made puppy!

Have you ever wondered which dog breeds are the most aggressive? Maybe you are looking to get a new puppy for the family pet and would like to know which dog breeds may not be the best children. After doing much research, I have compiled a list of the 10 most aggressive dog breeds as of 12-1-2012. Read more ...

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In the early part of the 1900’s, the Pit Bull Dog was known as the “Nanny Dog”. Why, you ask? If you wanted to keep your children safe, the pit bull was the most faithful and loving dog of any breed, especially with children.
God Sent us "Jake", The Black Lab
God sent us Jake, an abused black Labrador retriever, that needed to know love and happiness, before God took him back.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Red Dirt Brewhouse, Ardmore, Oklahoma - the New Pub in Town

The Red Dirt Brewhouse
Source:  sgbrown

Ardmore, Oklahoma is coming alive with new businesses in the historical downtown section. One of the newest and most innovative, is a gastro pub called the Red Dirt Brewhouse. Justin Ramsey and his wife Bobbi have recently opened the Red Dirt Brewhouse, a Gastro Pub, in Ardmore, Oklahoma. Justin’s childhood dream was to rennovate an old building and bring it back to life. Read more...

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If you are looking for a fun yet relaxing vacation spot, Lake Murray State Park is a wonderful place to go.  Lake Murray State Park is Oklahoma’s first and largest state park with 12,500 acres located on the beautiful tree lined shores of Lake Murray. Lake Murray is a spring fed 5,700 acre lake and one of the clearest lakes in Oklahoma.

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in America

Sunday, September 30, 2012

How to Reduce Your Electric Bill Without Spending a Dime

Source: Free Digital

The Little Things Do Add Up!

How would you like to get 1 to 2 months of electricity for free? If you could reduce your electric bill by just $50.00 a month, on average, it would save you $600.00 a year. For many of us, that’s one or even 2 months of electric bills. It’s true! The little things do add up. Your electric bill is probably one of your largest monthly expenses. Here are some ways to help you reduce your monthly electric bill without spending a dime.  Read more ...

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Friday, September 7, 2012

Newborn Baby Safety Tips - By the Baby



Hi! My name is Jazzy!
Source: sgbrown

Hi! My name is Jazzy. I am 6 months old and am a very happy, healthy baby! You see, my mom read up on child safety before I was born and learned a lot about what to do to keep me safe, before she brought me home. My mom is pretty awesome! Now, I would like to share my new baby safety tips with you

Cleaning the Nursery

One of the first things my mom and dad did was to clean my nursery really well. They washed the windows and cleaned the carpet. Then they put a fresh coat of paint on the walls. They were sure to do this well before my arrival so there would not be any smelly paint fumes to make me sick. Should I mention the cool zebra stripe crib sheets and curtains in my room? Well, maybe not.

Crib and Bassinet

When my daddy put my crib together, he made sure there were no sharp edges or places where mommy or me could get cuts or splinters. He made sure all the screws were tight and my crib was nice and stable. My Nana and Papa bought me a beautiful bassinet. I slept in it beside mommy and daddy’s bed for the first few weeks. Mommy kept putting her hand on me during the night, I guess she wanted to be sure I was still breathing. Daddy made sure that it was nice and stable too, no loose screws for this baby!

Sleeping Safely

I wanted to sleep with mommy and daddy, but they would never let me. Mommy knew that I could possibly suffocate in bed with them. She would always put me in my own bed and lay me on my back, to reduce the risk of SIDS. When mommy would put me to bed, she would always make sure there was nothing extra in my crib. No toys, no pillows and no extra blankets and my sheet, was always a fitted sheet and I had a firm mattress.There was nothing in my crib that could possibly suffocate me. You know, I couldn’t even roll over then, or push anything away from my face. I couldn’t even pick up my head for a while. What a baby I was!

Bath Time Safety

I always loved “bath time”. I got a sponge bath until my umbilical cord fell off, I was probably about 4 weeks old then. After that mommy would give me a bath every other night before she put me to bed. She told daddy that any more often could really dry out my skin. She would always be very careful to not get the water too hot for me. You see my skin is very sensitive right now and the water actually feels much warmer to me that it does to you. Mommy would always check the temperature of the water with her wrist or her elbow to be sure it was just right.

Daddy brought home the coolest bathtub for me! It held me just at the right depth in the water so I didn’t have a chance of drowning. Mommy only used baby shampoo and baby bath to bathe me with, as regular shampoo and bath soap are too harsh for my tender skin. Mommy would use a baby wash cloth to clean my face and my ears. She would never, ever use a Q-tip because she could really hurt the inside of my ears is the tip went too far inside my ear. She would use a soft baby brush to wash my scalp and the fontanelles (soft spots) on the top of my head.When bath time was over, she would dry me off with a big fluffy towel and put baby lotion all over me! Baby lotion is important to keep my new sensitive skin soft and supple. I was such a little diva!

Feeding Time Safety

I have to say that feeding time was always my favorite! I always love snuggling with mommy while she was feeding me. I was breast fed for the first few months as breast milk is so very health for me. Mommy never fed me while she was in bed. She was afraid she would fall asleep and I could possibly suffocate among the pillows or covers. She would always get up and sit in her rocking chair and rock me while I ate. When I started eating from a bottle, she would still get up with me. Mommy knew that just putting a bottle in my mouth and leaving me lay in bed, was not good for me. I could have easily choked. Have you ever tried to drink something while lying down? It’s not very easy!

Diaper Changing Safety

I didn’t really mind diaper-changing time. Who likes to lie around in a wet soggy diaper! Mommy knew that if my diaper didn’t get changed often enough, I could get something called “diaper rash”. I have never had this, “diaper rash”, but I have heard that it can really burn and make me very uncomfortable. Sometimes there would be a really stinky smell and mommy and daddy would make really funny faces. I always wanted to laugh at them, but I hadn't figured out how to do that yet. They would always be careful when they cleaned me, you know I have lots of little cracks and crevices that need to be cleaned good. Mommy would always put a little baby lotion on me and some baby powder too. I heard her tell daddy one time, not to sprinkle too much powder because it puts too much powder in the air and that it was not good for me to breath that in. I like the baby powder, it really helped to keep my cute little butt dry. Mommy always keeps the items she needs very close to where she is changing me so she doesn't have to step away from me to reach anything. Daddy told her she was really doing a good job, I could have told him that!

Babies Cry...

Now you know, there are sometimes that I would cry, and sometimes I would cry a lot. I’m not really sure why I cried so much at times, I just felt like it I guess. Mommy or daddy would always check to be sure that nothing was hurting me. Then they would make sure that I did not have on a dirty diaper, or that I wasn’t hungry. One of them would always pick me up and walk around with me. Sometimes I just needed a little extra burping. That usually made me feel better, but not always. If they started feeling frustrated, they would put me in my crib, being sure I was safe, and just walk away for a little while. My mommy and daddy knew to NEVER shake me! Shaking a baby can be DEADLY! Be sure I am safe and then give yourself a little time out to relax. Maybe even call a friend or relative for a little advice or just a break.

Car Seat Safety

When we went somewhere together, my daddy always put me in my car seat and strapped me in really good. My car seat always went in the back seat and faced the back of the car. This way if we got into an accident, the car seat was between me and the back of the front seat. Daddy made sure that the base of my car seat was strapped in tightly so if something did happen, I would be safe. Mommy and daddy always drive safely and never make phone calls or text while they are driving. Of course, they never leave me alone in the car either!

I hope you you enjoyed my new baby safety tips. I know there are more things I could tell you about how my mommy and daddy kept me safe during the first few months of my life, but I am really getting a little sleepy now and I am having a little trouble concentrating. (Yawn) For now, it’s nap-time, night-night!

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

5 Things You Shoud Never Say to Your Children

Please, think about what you say to me!
Please, think about what you say to me!
Source: Jenna Brown

Our Kids Can Push Our Buttons

I know that everyone gets stressed from time to time and being a good parent can be quite difficult. All of us have said things that we wish we had not. Our children are precious gifts from God, but they can “push our buttons” sometimes. The parents that care enough to take the time to read this are never going to say some of the horrible things we've heard some parents say, but there are a few things here that we may not realize can really hurt our children.  Read more ...

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Who Is In Control of What Your Children Eat?
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Saturday, August 18, 2012

10 Things You Should Say to Your Children


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Meet Zoe - The Rare Golden Zebra

Zoe - The Golden Zebra

Zoe - One of a Kind Zebra

Zoe is one of the rarest zebras in exsistance. She is what is called a Golden Zebra, although some refer to her as a “white” zebra. Zoe is the only Golden Zebra known to be in captivity at this time. Zoe was born on the Island of Molokai, Hawaii in 1998 and shortly after her and her mother, Oreo, were moved to the Three Ring Ranch, which is an animal sancturary on the Big Island of Hawaii.  Read more ...

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Great Tips for Womens Personal Safety

Are We Naive?

I would like to give women some tips on a few things you can do to make yourself safer when you go out. Some of this information has come to me from safety specialist and law enforcement officials. Some of this information comes from personal experience.  Read more ...

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

10 Ways to Improve your Attitude


Become a Happier Person

Improving your attitude means improving your outlook on life. There are many ways to improve your attitude, you just have to want to. All of us have our “luggage”. How we deal with our luggage depends on our attitude. Looking at the bright side of life will make you a much happier person. An upbeat and positive attitude can be contagious too. Here are 10 ways to help you improve your attitude and become a happier person.  Read more ...

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Friday, June 1, 2012

Best Vegetables for Canning or Freezing and How To

My Vegetable Garden
Source: sgbrown

6 Best Vegetables for Canning or Freezing

If you have a vegetable garden, most likely you want to store some of your harvest for use throughout the year. The best way to do that is through canning or freezing them. Not all vegetables can or freeze well. All vegetables will be prone to freezer burn, and some vegetables will just turn to mush when you thaw them. After 25 years of growing, canning and freezing my vegetables, here is my choice of the 6 best vegetables for canning or freezing for use all year round. Read more ...

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Chased by Strangers - A True Story

By sgbrown

Image Courtesy of:Dynamite Imagery

This day started out as a simple Saturday outing with our 6 year old daughter, Jenna. She loved going to water parks and it was going to be a hot summer day. My husband, Johnny and I decided we would drive to Oklahoma City, which is about an hour away, and take her to a large water park for the day. We started our drive in my “old faithful” mini van, which we had for several years. We bought it when I was pregnant and could no longer get in and out of our Chevrolet Camero. The camero was so low to the ground, I had to practically fall into it and roll out of it! The mini van had always been a dependable vehicle…until this day.  Read more ...

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Caracal - An Elusive Wild Cat

Caracal Close Up

The caracal is a medium sized wild cat and is noted for it’s beautiful elongated, tufted black ears. The word caracal comes from the Turkish word, karakulak, for “black ear”. Caracals typically are redish, grey or “sand” colored and have a narrow black line that runs from the corner of their eye to their nose.   Read more ...

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Honeybees - Why Are They Disappearing?

Honeybee pollenating yellow flower.

What is Happening to Our Honeybees?

As most people are aware, there is a major decline in the number of honeybees over the last several years. The following information contains information on the honeybee and several theories as to why the honeybees are disappearing and what we can do to help.  Read more ...

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My DR Lawn and Leaf Vacuum Review

DR Lawn and Leaf Vacuum
If you live in the country or have a large yard with lots of trees, you need to read this article!  We live in the country and have lots of trees around the house. Don't get me wrong, I love my trees, we looked for years for just the right place in the country with lots of trees. I also love spring, but spring also used to mean that I had to rake leaves. I know, raking is good exercise, but parts of my yard are almost a foot deep in leaves! Last year I raked, and took to the burn pile, 182 wheelbarrows full of leaves. Don’t ask why I counted, you really don’t want to know! Now, exercise is one thing, but that is crazy, it took me weeks to get all that done!

Leaves in my yard at the beginning of spring!

After just 1 pass with the DR Lawn and Leaf Vac!

 Purchasing the DR Lawn Vacuum is one of the best things I have ever done! But as you know, all the product advertisements you see, will only tell you the good things about the product. I am going to give you the good, as well as the areas that I think could use a little improvement. However, if I had to do it over again, I would still make the same purchase.  Read more ...
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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Early Garden Vegetables

My Vegetable Garden in Early Spring
Source: sgbrown

Which Vegetables to Plant First
Much of the success in planting a successful vegetable garden, is knowing what to plant when. After 25 years of planting a garden, we have learned a few things that I hope will help the beginning gardener. Here is my list of early garden vegetables, the first vegetables to plant in your vegetable garden.  Read more ...
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    Fresh vegetables not only taste better but are also much better for you. Plant these easy to grow vegetables to eat healthier and save money on your grocery bill all year round.

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    Thursday, April 5, 2012

    The Beauty of Nature in Spring

    Deer in Field
    Photo source:  sgbrown aka Rockcreek Photography

    I am a warm weather person. I love to be outside in nature in all her glory. I want to feel the sun, shining down upon me and warming my soul. I suffer through winter, pacing around the house like a caged animal waiting to be released back into the wild. I long to see green pastures and trees, to smell the flowers and the scent of fresh cut grass. Read more ...
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    Thursday, March 29, 2012

    Taking a Walk in the Country

    Deer in fog.
    Source: sgbrown

    Walk with Me in the Country

    Everyone knows that walking is great exercise. It is good for your heart, lungs, and all of your muscles. But walking in the country is just good for your soul! I love to walk in the country and try to walk at least every other day. I always take my camera with me and try to capture some of the beautiful and unusual things I see. Come with me and let’s take a walk in the country. Read more ...

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    I am making extra money writing on HubPages. If you enjoy writing, and making money, read the success stories, and find out more information here: HubPages

    Tuesday, March 27, 2012

    5 Best Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden

    If you have enough space to plant a small vegetable garden this spring, not only will you eat better, but, you will also save money on our grocery bill all year. Fresh vegetables not only taste much better but are much healthier for you too. I am going to give you some ideas on which are the easiest vegetables to grow and store, so you can continue to use them all year.  Read more ...

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    All About Okra - Origin, Planting and Cooking

    I am making extra money writing on HubPages. If you enjoy writing, and making money, read the success stories, and find out more information here:  HubPages

    Saturday, March 17, 2012

    All About Okra - Origin, Planting and Cooking

    By sgbrown

    Okra Pod and Okra Flower

    All About Okra

    Okra is one of my favorite vegetables to grow. It's super easy to grow, drought tolerant and delicious! We grow okra in our vegetable every year and I use it in all kinds of recipes. One of my favorites is pickled okra.  We add a jalapeno pepper to each jar to give it a little extra flavor. (The link to our recipe is below.) Okra has a long history, possible as far back as the 12th century B.C. Click on the link below to find out more about the okra plant.  I have included information on its origin, as well as how to plant, harvest and cook with okra.  All About Okra -Origin, Planting and Cooking

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      Jalapeno pickled okra is one of my family’s favorite snacks! Adding a little jalapeno to this recipe gives it some extra flavor. It’s not hot, just has a little snap. Not only is it tasty, but it is very good for you too. Okra is high in both types of fiber.
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      If you have a vegetable garden, most likely you want to store some of your harvest for use throughout the year. The best way to do that is through canning or freezing them. After 25 years of growing, canning and freezing my vegetables, here is my choice for the best vegetables for canning or freezing and some tips on how to do both.
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      Growing a vegetable garden is not as difficult a thing as many people make it out to be. My husband and I have grown a garden every year for the last 25 years. There are three basic things that are needed to grow a successful vegetable garden. 

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    Sunday, March 11, 2012

    Skyler, My Cockatiel Miracle - A Short Story

    By sgbrown

    I really contemplated on sharing this story as it is quite personal and reveals some very personal things in my life. This is a simple and true story of a time when I was much younger. The events of this story may be simple and silly to some, but the outcome really changed my life at the time. Have you ever had something  small and simple happen to you, but it was really significant enough to changed your life? I guess this is one of those times.  Read more ...

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    A Stranger in My Garden!

    A Stranger in My Garden!

    “Get up! Get up! You have to come see this!” As I am crawling out of bed he tells me that he heard Sadie, our yellow lab, barking at something and went outside to see what it was. As he went to the edge of the porch he could hear the strangest sound. He couldn’t tell what it was, but there was definitely something in the garden.  Read more ...

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    Wednesday, March 7, 2012

    The American Bison or Buffalo

    The American Bison or Buffalo - Facts and True Story

    By - sgbrown
    Herd of American Bison or Buffalo
    Source: wikimedia

    American Bison or Commonly Known as the Buffalo

     The American Bison is also known as the American Buffalo, which once roamed the plains of North America in huge herds. The buffalo were nearly eradicated in the 19th century due to hunting and now are restricted to parks and reserves. There are approximately 500,000 buffalo on privately owned ranches and refuges today. Buffalo can be found here in Oklahoma at the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge in southwestern part of the state.

    My Trip to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge

    Back many years ago when I was taking a photography class, the instructor, Allen, and I became good friends. He was going to be taking pictures of the Texas Long Horn cattle that were also located at the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge and asked me if I wanted to go along. Of course, I jumped at the chance.  Read more ...

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    Wednesday, February 29, 2012

    Best Perennial Flowers for Spring Gardens

    Best Perennial Flowers for Spring Gardens

    By sgbrown
    Daffodils in Spring

    This article will be moving to my new blog: My Flower Garden Get A Way

    I love flowers, the more the better! When we moved out to the country I had all the room I needed to plant all the flowers I wanted and I went crazy! I created more flowerbeds than I could keep up with. I knew that I wanted to plant mostly perennials so I would not have to re-plant each year. I spent hundreds of dollars planting flowers that I really knew nothing about. After several years of trial and error, and learning a lot, I have found several perennial flowers that are not only hardy, but also very easy to care for. These are what I consider to be the best perennial flowers for spring gardens. They are hardy plants that need little care.

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    Saturday, February 25, 2012

    The Pit Bull Dog - Once Known as the Nanny Dog - What Happened?

    The Pit Bull Dog - Once Known as the Nanny Dog - What Happened?

    In the early part of the 1900’s, the Pit Bull Dog was known as the “Nanny Dog”. Why, you ask? If you wanted to keep your children safe, the pit bull was the most faithful and loving dog of any breed, especially with children. They were strong and loyal and loved children. If your child had a pit bull dog as a pet, you felt that they were safe. So what happened?

    Ironically enough it is the wonderful qualities of the pit bull that have attracted it to the “criminal element” that have victimized this wonderful breed of dog. The Pit Bull breed is strong, and very intelligent. They are loyal and courageous. Their main goal is to please their owner. Yes, they look tough, but they have not been referred to as the “Nanny Dog” for almost 100 years for nothing! At one time the pit bull dogs were the most beloved dogs in England and the United States. Read more ...

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    Sunday, February 19, 2012

    Tips on How to Grow a Vegetable Garden

    Tips on How To Grow a Vegetable Garden
    Healthy Vegetable Garden
    Source:  sgbrown

    Growing a vegetable garden is not as difficult a thing as many people make it out to be. My husband and I have grown a garden every year for the last 25 years. There are three basic things that are needed to grow a successful vegetable garden. Once you have mastered these basic needs for your area, you just let nature do the rest.

    I think one of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to grow a vegetable garden is making the garden bigger than they can properly take care of. Start small and as your garden becomes successful you can enlarge it the following year. Now let’s look at the basics.  Read more...

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